Named for a vehicle Born of 2 realms.
A Dual Cab converted somewhat modified 6x6 GS Perentie. The perentie being a lizard, a lizard being a throw back to the dinosaurs.
The GS used as part of project parakeet The parakeet being a bird. The crossing point of of the birds and dinosaurs being the Archaeopteryx.
Introducing the Archaroptersix or Arkie, possibly one of the more authentic Ex military vehicles you're likely to see. Not in the "Anorak wearing rivet counter accuracy to its military heritage" kind of way (the snorkle with a lego head intake at minimum puts paid to that) more in the "There's times you can see it getting driven like the guy who's driving it neither owns it nor pays for its maintenance and repair" kind of way, the kind of way that makes rental cars sympathetically wince and proclaim ohhh you poor thing.
A 1989 6x6 perentie, all the usual, 3.9L Isuzu 4bd1-t reworked with a holset hx 30, 3 inch exhaust, stock gearbox, retrofitted winch(s), PTO front, Electric Rear, loading crane, removable motorbike rack, longer range fuel tank, extra batteries, solar panel tool draws, a removable roof top tent on a frame and a partridge in a pair tree.
Cruises around at a stately 75-85 kph, as much as for economy as for comfort and the fact that I'm retired and I'm not in a hurry.. if your in a truck or something else and want to pass, call me up. I'll help you get round, I've done my time in trucks and I'm not out there to be in your way. Fully loaded and driven reasonably, slurps the fuel to the tune of 17l/100K.
Future upgrades include a VAWT, additional solar, a mobile Starlink, 5th wheel, bunk rack back seats, additional water storage and hot water system All things going the way I'd like a Hybrid Diesel electric conversion.